Ian & Cath
Hello! Ian and I are dairy farmers based just outside of Bideford at Webbery. We are passionate about running a high health, grass based, autumn calving dairy system, producing premium quality milk.
We started out in 2011 and over the years have grown our herd to 380 cows plus youngstock and have tailored our farming practices with happy and healthy cows, effective and environmentally sustainable grassland management and a respected and rewarded workforce at the core.
Ian is Operations Manager, responsible for managing the logistics of everything on the farm, from co-ordinating contractors for seasonal operations to managing the team and the cows day to day.
My role on the farm is Technical Manager and I keep close tabs on cow health and performance, as well as grassland management, winter feeding and foot trimming.
Webbery Moos is our latest project at Webbery, to celebrate farming and great food, with you!
Our team
We really couldn’t do it without these guys - Damian, Josh, Ellie, Stu & Maria.
Damian is in charge in our absence. He’s a man of many talents both with the cows and with machinery. If something’s broken, he’s your man. He also built the Webbery Moos dairy!
Josh and Ellie are our herdspeople. They are responsible for managing the grass day to day and the sheds in the winter, keeping an eye out for any problems in the herd. Josh is a dab hand at fixing things and at calving time, takes responsibility for all of our beef calves. Ellie is our newest team member who has a real eye for the cows and grazing and can do everything the boys can so look out!
Stu is our relief milker and knows the herd inside out - superstar!
Webbery Moos has brought new opportunities for Damian’s wife, Maria, who will be helping me (Cath) bottle the milk and develop the Webbery Moos project. She has experience in the food sector and is a dab hand on social media so watch this space!
It really is a team effort so thanks guys!
The next generation
Our kids are a huge motivation to how we run our business. Our two sons, Josh, 7 and Freddie, 5 are also cow enthusiasts as I am sure our baby daughter Molly will also be, and we are committed to farming in a progressive way that inspire them to want to take the business on.
The same applies to the families of our team on the farm. Whilst I was trimming some cows feet the other day, I asked Josh (pictured left) who was watching me, if he was going to do the feet when he was older. His answer was, ‘No, Hanna will do the foot trimming’. Hanna is the 6 year old daughter of Damian & Maria. Brilliant!